Données d'échantillonnage


Dernière version Publié par Marine Biological Association le 6 mars 2018 Marine Biological Association
The carpet sea squirt (Didemnum vexillum) is an invasive non-native species of colonial sea squirt that has recently been found in England, Ireland, Wales and at one location in the Clyde, on the west coast of Scotland. The potential ecological and economic impacts of this species are significant. A rapid response eradication programme in Holyhead Harbour is currently underway, showing signs of some success so far. However, it is not known how far this species has spread within the UK, and surveys are underway in England and Wales to determine its distribution. It is crucial to know as soon as possible how far it has spread, as this information will determine what the appropriate response will be - if it is confined to only a few sites, it may be possible to attempt eradication. If it is a... plus
Date de publication:
6 mars 2018
CC-BY-NC 4.0


The carpet sea squirt (Didemnum vexillum) is an invasive non-native species of colonial sea squirt that has recently been found in England, Ireland, Wales and at one location in the Clyde, on the west coast of Scotland. The potential ecological and economic impacts of this species are significant. A rapid response eradication programme in Holyhead Harbour is currently underway, showing signs of some success so far. However, it is not known how far this species has spread within the UK, and surveys are underway in England and Wales to determine its distribution. It is crucial to know as soon as possible how far it has spread, as this information will determine what the appropriate response will be - if it is confined to only a few sites, it may be possible to attempt eradication. If it is already more widespread, then containment or control measures will be more appropriate.No specific surveys targeting this species had previously been carried out in Scotland, so it was not known whether it was present just in the one marina in the Clyde or whether it was more widespread. This project involved a series of rapid assessment surveys of those marinas and harbours thought to be most likely at risk from establishment (e.g. those in the Clyde and on the west coast of Scotland) and will inform SNH’s policy for dealing with this species, as well as the wider UK policy for response.

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Personne ayant créé cette ressource:

Dan Lear
Head of Data
Marine Biological Association of the UK

Personne pouvant répondre aux questions sur la ressource:

Data Archive for Marine Species and Habitats (DASSH)
Data Archive for Marine Species and Habitats (DASSH)

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Data Archive for Marine Species and Habitats (DASSH)
Data Archive for Marine Species and Habitats (DASSH)

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Data Team

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