The PLET does not currently have a fully supported API, however it is possible specify commands using solely the URL, by-passing the graphical interface and allowing for the automation of queries. The base URL is: Available parameters are: abundance_dataset - must be from the list of datasts in the Abundance Datasets drop-down - only one dataset may be specified at a time, and can not be used if biomass_dataset is also used - example: abundance_dataset=example%20abundance%20dataset - %20 represents a space in HTML enconding, if you are typing into a browser then you can put regular spaces, if you are using a http library, then please check its specific formatting guidance. biomass_dataset - must be from the list in the Biomass Datasets drop-down - only one dataset may be specified at a time, and can not be used if abundance_dataset is also used - for example see above format - the format that the lifeform product will be returned in (abundance_datasets only) - options are csv, json, pretty (print to screen) - example: format=csv north, south, east, west - the respective edges of a bounding box that defines the desired geographical region - if a WKT is supplied, that will take precedence and these values will be ignored - example: north=62&south=55&west=-1&east=1 wkt - The well-known text representation of the area to be returned - only polygons or multipolygons are accepted - example: wkt=POLYGON((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10)) startdate, enddate - the start and ending date for which to return results - both are mandatory - format YYYY-MM-DD - example: startdate=2010-01-08&enddate=2012-05-23 raw - return a link to the raw data alongside the lifeform product - if this parameter is included with any value then this will be set to true - example: raw=on, raw=true - if you are automating lifeform product queries then you probably want to omit this option, as it will return a HTML page with links, rather than return a file Example queries Return results from the abundance dataset 'BE Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) - LW_VLIZ_zoo' between 2010-01-25 and 2012-05-23, inside the specified polygon, and return in csv format:,-23.027344%2062.656487,11.425781%2062.656487,11.425781%2045.924409,-23.027344%2045.924409))&abundance_dataset=BE%20Flanders%20Marine%20Institute%20(VLIZ)%20-%20LW_VLIZ_zoo&format=csv Return results from the abundance dataset 'UK Marine Biological Association (MBA) - Continuous_Plankton_Recorder_dataset' for the years 2000-2003, inside the specified bounding box, and return in csv format: There are many tools and libraries that can allow the scripting of HTTP queries. For example in a Linux environment you can use the 'curl' command: curl '' Please note, if you provide incorrect parameters you may receive an error message from ''. This is the underlying script that is performing the query. The arguments it refers to should NOT be used as a reference, as these will be different from the parameters that need to be provided from the command line. For example, the script requires the argument 'lat_min', however the parameter that is supplied is actually 'south'.