Data Access

The DASSH team believes that the data resources held should be available for use in not-for-profit decision making, research, education and other public-benefit purposes. Therefore, DASSH makes marine benthic survey data and their associated metadata freely available over the World Wide Web, in order to contribute to the national resource of marine environmental data, as outlined in our Data policy.

DASSH data holdings can be accessed via the metadata catalogues, and the DASSH Data Mapper.

DASSH holds datasets provided by a variety of public and private bodies, and individual researchers. The Data/image provider will be stated in the associated metadata. Data providers retain the copyright of the original data or images at all times. Data providers have given DASSH their permission to hold a copy of their data/image(s) within the data archive.

All our data and image holdings are made available for use under the DASSH Terms and Conditions.

  • Users are permitted to use the data holdings that we make available on-line for their own private use or for use in the ordinary course of thier business, provided that such use is in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
  • Users are permitted to use the images available on-line for their own private use, provided that such use is in accordance with the relevant section of our Terms and Conditions.
  • Anyone wishing to use data or images for commercial purposes will require additional permission from the Data (or image) provider, who can be contacted through DASSH.
  • Additional permission will be required for the use of images for wide dissemination, including use on Web sites, leaflets or in promotional brochures.
  • Any use of data or images that is not addressed in the Terms and Conditions will require permission from the Data provider (or Copyright holder if different.)

If you have any doubts or queries about the use of data or images displayed via the DASSH Web site, please contact DASSH [].